Jenni Stone Astrology

Would you like a free astrology and life-story reading?When you register for our May 23rd meeting, Jenni Stone, our speaker and astrologist extraordinaire will send you a written report that talks about your life plan, health, money relationships and your journey towards enlightenment. Just send her your name birthdate and return email:

At the meeting along with astrology predictions and the audience sharing emotional and  poignant thoughts and outcomes about their readings, Jenni will discuss the ancient manuscript these readings came from. It’s a book she found in London with astrological material that was first published in the 13th century but said to date back to Atlantis and the Atlanteans. She has studied this material for more than 30 years and has re-written it into modern language for her own personal use. She will bring some pages for us to look at.

Jenni Stone, astrologer

About Jenni Stone: Jenni writes and lectures on astrology. She’s been published in Vogue, Huffington Post, Dell Hososcopes, and The Mountain Astrologer. Her book, Timing is Everything is highly rated in the business section at Amazon.

Join us for an enthralling evening of how the stars rule and guide our lives.