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A Fully Verified Past Life Regression with Saundra C. Blum, Past Life Regression Therapist

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A Fully Verified Past Life Regression with Saundra C. Blum, Past Life Regression Therapist and author of the upcoming book, Unveiling The Gift: Synchronicities Through Divine Intervention  Please join us for a unique and compelling presentation that explores how our past lives impact the present. Saundra and her client Yvonne will share a past life […]

An Archetypal Perspective on the Aging Process with Jungian Analyst, Michael Conforti, PhD

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  Intimations in the Night: An Archetypal Perspective on Psyche and Spirit in the Aging Process with Michael Conforti, Jungian Analyst In our later years, many of us experience a profound lack of orientation. Perhaps our most meaningful early accomplishments begin to lose their luster, and those aspirations and dreams that once set our hearts […]

The Gut-Brain Connection – What You Need to Know, with Leo Galland, M.D.

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  Physicians are expanding their understanding of the gut-brain connection — a bi-directional relationship between the intestinal microbiome and the brain that can influence memory, mood, and cognition. This dynamic relationship may be clinically relevant to a range of disorders, including alcoholism, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, and restless legs syndrome. In addition, the role of the gut […]