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An Archetypal Perspective on the Aging Process with Jungian Analyst, Michael Conforti, PhD

February 26, 2025 @ 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm

An Archetypal Perspective on Aging with Jungian Analyst Michael Conforti


Intimations in the Night: An Archetypal Perspective on Psyche and Spirit in the Aging Process with Michael Conforti, Jungian Analyst

In our later years, many of us experience a profound lack of orientation. Perhaps our most meaningful early accomplishments begin to lose their luster, and those aspirations and dreams that once set our hearts on fire, are now eclipsed by new and strange emotions… unfulfilled desires suddenly emerging from the shadows.

The fires and passions of youth and the middle years are now reduced to smoldering embers… no longer warming our heart and soul.

The hunger for so much of what we wanted in life quickly fades into the domain of memory. Only the truly authentic intimations of this life begin calling us in our dreams, frustrations, symptoms, and cravings for what Rabbi Heschel calls the “ineffable.”

In the midst of a dark, wintry February, we welcome back the founder of the Assisi Institute, an internationally known Jungian scholar, Michael Conforti PhD.

Dr. Conforti will warm and enlighten us with teachings about archetypes, dreams, and literature – and the rich journey into our later years.

Bring your dreams.

This is a by-contribution event. Click on the contribution button and pay what you are able.
The suggested amount is $10 (US).
If you are not able to contribute at this time, please simply register below.

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Michael Conforti, PhD, is a Jungian analyst and the Founder and Director of the Assisi Institute. He is a faculty member at the C.G. Jung Institute – Boston and the C.G Jung Foundation of New York.  A pioneer in the field of matter-psyche studies, Dr. Conforti is actively investigating the workings of archetypal fields and the relationship between Jungian psychology and the New Sciences. He has presented his work at The C.G. Jung Institute – Zurich and Jungian organizations in Australia, Canada, Colombia, Denmark, Ecuador, Indonesia, Italy, Russia, South Africa, Switzerland, Turkey, and Venezuela. He is the author of Threshold Experiences: The Archetype of Beginnings and Field, Form and Fate: Patterns in Mind, Nature & Psyche, which have been translated into Italian, Russian and Spanish.

Contact information:
Phone: (860) 949-0545
Email: mconforti@together.net



A special invitation to two conferences offered by the Assisi Institute

“The Voice of Psyche in Clinical Practice” from June 2-6, 2025  in Giglio, Italy

Held on the picturesque island of  Giglio in the Tuscan Archipelago, Dr Conforti speaks on the manifestation of Psyche and Archetypes within the therapeutic relationship, a domain within which wonder meets clinical wisdom.  Together, with participants from around the world, we will delve into the beauty, suffering, and transformative potential of working with Psyche, while enhancing our understanding of archetypal dynamics.

 “You Alone Are Real to Me, A Passion for Soul” from June 7-14, 2025  in Assisi, Italy

With presentations by our internationally recognized faculty including; Dr James Hollis, Dr. Conforti, Dr Richard Tarnas and Swiss Jungian Analysts, Dr Hansueli Etter and J. Duermuller, we will come to an even richer understanding of the need to bring Soul  and passion back into our life.  Here we will look at how Soul has called to us since the beginning of time, through archetypal images and emotions and why humanity has unknowingly turned from her gaze. Ultimately while the search for one’s Soul is a solitary journey, to do this with reflection from someone who cares so deeply about us is more than sublime.

The Katonah Study Group community will be elligible to receive a $200 discount.
Please use the offer code: INT

For more info and the registration forms, go to: https://www.assisiinstitute.com/Katonah_Italy_2025.html


February 26, 2025
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm


ZOOM – You will be provided details upon registration


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